It is very important to have a project plan in order to obtain the desired results.

  1. Write your project plan on a piece of paper, phone or computer for easy access.
  2. Write down step by step what you are planing to do.
  3. Make your plan by following the steps bellow.
  4. FOLLOW your plan exactly the way you wrote it.
  1. Measure your surface area (square footage and thickness) using the Coverage Tool Calculator on the top right of the screen to know how much epoxy you need.
  2. It is recommended to buy slightly more epoxy than needed to compensate for spills or mistakes. 
  1. Video tutorials on the internet show how to work with epoxy resin kits fairly well although not all the information given is accurate it teaches people the basics of epoxy and different ways to apply and finish your project.
  2. Countertops epoxy US manufactures premium epoxy kits made in the USA with American components that will work well using these methods in general.
  3. The compatibility of aerosol paint and other aggregates and pigments not manufactured by us is not guaranteed.
  4. Testing for compatibility is recommended. 
  1. Plastic gloves.
  2. Face mask.
  3. Eye protection.
  4. No food or drinks while working the epoxy.
  5. No smoking.
  6. No pets or children in the area.
  1. Several mixing containers or buckets depending on how many colors and variations your project has.
  2. Spatulas (number depending on the project) 
  3. Slow speed mixing drill (mixing by hand is an option but not recommended.
  4. Floor plastic covers (to protect your floors from spills)
  5. Trash can
  6. Blow torch or hair dryer (for stubborn bubbles)
  7. One or several spatulas (depending on the project)
  8. Stopwatch
  9. Rags or towels for cleanup.

Have everything ready

  • Project plan
  • Epoxy kit
  • Tools


  1. Surface should be clean of any contaminants including dust, grease or any other substance that may interfere with the epoxy system adhesion.
  1. The epoxy kit (part A and part B) should be at room temperature for best results (68-86 f) (20-30 c)
  2. Achieve this temperature range by leaving the epoxy kit in the a room within those temperature limits.
  1. All epoxy kits are available in clear – transparent color.
  1. All epoxy kits are available in white, black, red, blue, and other solid colors.
  2. We recommend buying the clear – transparent epoxy and adding the colors to your taste.
  3. For solid color projects pour the liquid or powder pigment into part A (resin), not part B.
  4. Make sure you pour enough liquid or powder color into part A (not enough pigment could be slightly translucent when applied thin) (enough pigment will show a solid color even when applied thin).
  5.  When you are satisfied with the tone of your color proceed to mix part A (resin) with part B (hardener).
  1. Repeat the procedure above (adding solid color) with any other colors you might use by having those colors mixed with part A before mixing.
  2. Liquid pigments, powder pigments and aerosol paints are used to give color to projects to achieve natural stone simulations or artistic finishes.
  3. Have all your color ready before pouring.
  1. Add part B (hardener to part A (resin).
  2. Use a low rpm drill with a paint mixer.
  3. Mix for 2 minutes getting all the corners of the mixing container.
  4. An optional 2 container mixing method can be used (it consists on mixing in one container and then pouring the mix to another container in that way making sure that part A and part B are completely mixed leaving any unmixed product in the walls or corners of the original container unused).
  5. If using the 2 container method mix an additional minute in the new container.
  6. Epoxy only cures when mixed with part B (hardener) it is very important to make sure both parts are completely mixed.
  7. Bad or incomplete mixing may result in soft spots or uncured areas.
  1. Pour the mix immediately after mixing.
  2. Work that mix the way you want (following your project plan)
  3. Pour additional mixes (different colors or aggregate effects) 
  4. Work those mixes the way you want (following your project
  1. Mixing will introduce air in the mix, less air when done by hand and more air when using a drill, nevertheless we recommend the slow rpm drill. 
  2. Bubbles will come up and dissapear by themselves the majority of the time
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
  1. Curing times depend on several factors, normally the epoxy kit once mixed will cure in the time that the label says.
  2. Hotter temperature will make the epoxy cure faster.
  3. Cold temperature will make the epoxy cure slower.
  4. Larger quantities (more mass) of material mixed will cure faster than small quantities (less mass), this is because the mix of part A and part B chemically generates heat so the more you mix the hotter it will get the faster it will cure, the less you mix it will not get as hot and it will take longer to cure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
  1. Epoxy resin kits 1 to 1 by volume have a shelf live of minimum 6 months.
  2. We carry several resin kits including some that can be stored for years without color degradation, these resin kits have a different 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 mixing ratios by volume, while the performance and specifications remain the same.
  3.  Please call us or email us for more information about these kits.